Our church was the 27th Seventh-day Adventist Church to be started in the Northwest United States. Of the original 27, only 12 are still active. Our church is the 6th oldest in the Oregon Conference, voted into the North Pacific Union Conference in 1887.
Membership at our church has varied from the 5 original members to a high of 338, with 247 at present (July, 2024).
Albany Seventh-day Adventist Church was founded with 5 members.
Re-organized. 8 members present.
Church located on West 6th Avenue, close to Albany Hospital.
In April the 6th Avenue property was sold for $500.
In May we purchased an existing church on 3rd and Montgomery.
In August the church was dedicated. N.C. Ernston was the pastor at the time.
In February we sold the church bell to raise funds. The bell weighed 413 lb., 94 lb of iron.
In December we voted to build a new church at 4th Avenue and Columbus.
In April we sold the 3rd Avenue church building.
In January was our first service in new 4th Avenue property.
In September the church school near Dunlap was sold for $18,000, due to right-of-way for Interstate 5.
In September we formed a union school with Corvallis SDA Church.
We purchased the adjoining property to the church.
The Christmas flood of 1964 was a major flood in the Pacific Northwest and some of Northern California between December 18, 1964, and January 7, 1965. It is considered a 100-year flood and it was one of the worst to affect the Willamette River in Oregon. See more...
In November the membership growth caused overcrowding. We voted to remodel the existing building.
Due to city zoning and building restrictions, it was voted to sell the 4th Avenue property. And “that at the end of the year, if it did not sell, another vote would be taken to determine wishes of the church body.”
In December the church in Business Session voted to sell and build a new church.
In January the church Locating Committee formed to find a suitable church site.
In October we voted to buy 2.4 acre parcel at 3085 Grand Prairie Road SE. Site contained a large house and was purchased for $38,000. Building Committee appointed.
In May the Salvation Army signed purchase agreement for property at 4th and Columbus. They paid $220,000.
On August 17 we held ground-breaking ceremonies for the new church. Sidney Nelson was the pastor. Present were Mae Yih, State Senator, as well as many Oregon Conference officials. A horse plow was used, with many members "drafted" to pull it!
General Contractor, Merritt Crawford, was hired for the project.
On April 22 we moved into the new church building at 3085 Grand Prairie Road SE.
On April 24 we held our first service in the new facility
On May 20 the church was dedicated. Pastor Fred Hardinge challenged the 250 members to consecrate themselves to the Lord Jesus Christ and the finishing of His Work in our hearts as well as in the town of Albany.
On July 23 the church in Business Session voted to purchase the adjoining 1.82 acre parcel, including a small house, for $90,000. With $30,000 cash in hand, $30,000 more pledged by members present, plus a $29,000 loan from a member, the deal was closed.
Loan on adjacent property was paid off.
January 25 & 26, Tom and Alane Waters from Resteration International came and had a Family Enhancement Seminar.
On March 14 & 15, Dr. Tim Riesenberger came and gave a series of sermons titled "Keep the Fire Going" The Secret to Lasting Change.
April 17 & 19, Celebrity Chef Mark Anthony gave a vegan cooking class on Thursday and gave his testimony for church on Sabbath.
September 12 & 13, Christian vs. Evolution Seminar with Timothy P. Meyer.
October 24 & 25, America, the Beast, and the Devil's Deadly Mark Seminar with Steve Wohlberg.
On February 7, Greg Hamilton, president of Northwest Religious Liberty Association, gave a sermon titled "Discernible Forces" at 11 am and another sermon titled “The ‘World Peace’ Threat To Religious Freedom” at 2 pm.
November 13 & 14, Jim Ayer gave his “Presentations That Can Change Your Life” series.
December 4 & 5, Steve Wohlberg gave his End Time Issues series.
April 7 to 15, Lee and Marji Venden presented “All About Jesus”, a week-long series.
May 14, Hal Mayer talks about Isaiah 60 and what God is telling us will happen in the end times.
July 8-9, The Grace of God with C. A. Murray and Shelley Quinn from 3ABN.
October 6-8, Ron Meinhardt with Health is Life ministry talks about The Gut / Brain Connection.
November 30 to December 3, Stephen Bohr from Secrets Unsealed presents his “The Remnant and its Mission” series.
June 17, Myles Sterling presents his "Witnessing That Works" talk.
November 11, Pastor Hal Mayer presents “Martin Luther & the Bible”, “The Bounds of Their Habitation”, and “Foundations of the Coming Sunday Law”
January 3, Jim Ayer presents “Your View Of God” and “Flying over at 30,000 Feet”
March 3, Larren Cole presents “Why I Have Confidence In Ellen White”, “Does God Want Me In Church”, and “Famous Adventist's Distinct Doctrines”
June 13-17, Stephen Bohr with Secrects Unsealed presents his series “Who Cares about Christian Standards?”. He brought his mobile video production studio and video recorded it for DVD.
In June, the church board voted to form a committee to remodel the sanctuary platform and replace sanctuary, foyer, halls, and fellowship hall floor coverings. The pews were taken out and the fabric on them was restretched and fixed up and the carpit was replace while they were removed. Both bathrooms were remodeled and the extra bathroom in the mother's room was remodeled and the door moved. The remodeling started in 2019 and finished in July of 2022.
October 15, 2018, Dr. Stan Hudson presents a study of Earth's beginnings and how the Earth was created with presentations including “In The Beginning, When Was That?”, “In The Beginning, Dragons And Dinosaurs”, “A Call of Worship to the God of Genesis”, and “In The Begining There Was Water”.
October 27, 2018, the Neuharth Family shared a musical vespers program about the Advent message using song and spoken word. Watch video.
November 2018, our church hosted a week of prayer with presentations each evening on the seven churches in Revelation presented by each of the elders. Here is the first one on Ephesus by Dr. Darrell Genstler. The others are also available on our YouTube playlist.
July 8, 2019 Germain Rodregues, Youth Rush leader, interviewed various Youth Rush personel about their experiences with neighborhood contacts. Watch video
August 16, 2020 Outdoor Church at Edgerly Park: "Understanding The Nature of God" by Dick Durksen
November 7, 2020 Pastor Villenueva, Oregon Conference, gave a talk on “Literature Evangelism” as a soul winning tool.
December 5, 2020 Tom Evans gives a seminar on evangelism.
March 13, 2021 Brian McMahon gives a Prophecy Unsealed Seminar.
October 9, 2021 Rob Zama presents a seminar series titled Hope Dawning - Overcoming Fear Through Bible Prophecy.
February 14, 2022 Dr. Neil Nedley MD presents a series on “Enhancing Your Emotional Intelligence”
February 20, 2022 Suzy Baldwin give a mission report from Benin, West Africa talking about her experience.
In August, 2022 the Albany Youth Club went on a camping trip to Dorena Lake where they had fun fellowshiping and playing in the water.
In September 2022, Stan Hudson presented his series on dinosaurs and creation topics such as "Origin Of Oceans" and "Origin Of Humankind".
In January 2023, the church enjoyed a Big Lake weekend together, worshiping God and playing in the snow together.
In November 2022, Tylor Long did a series of meetings titled Amazing Prophecies for Today. As a result, there were seven baptisms.
In July of 2023, the church had the roof re-shingled.
The church redid the landscaping close to the church as well as on the far side of the parking lot.
West Field was dug up, trash and rocks removed, leveled, and replanted with grass by Clayton Rasmussen, Alvin Kosaka, Butch Myers and others.
In the fall of 2023, the Albany Pathfinder club was started again by Sunny and Tim Arakawa
In October 2023, Barry Taylor held a series of meetings titled "Forecasting Hope" which was about Prophecies of the Second Coming. You can watch the full series on our website.
The church started a monthly special meal held on the 4th Wednesday of the month in the fellowship hall at noon.
Sunday eve, January 28, 2024, the Albany church family gathered together for what is becoming a favorite non-church activity--our very own Talent Show! From ages 3-93, participants shared music, the gift of gab, Guinness World Record attempts, and nimble fingers. Brady tried to convince his sister that she had 11 fingers, but from the look on her face, she remained unconvinced! Laughter abounded, and the festivities closed with a beautiful rendition of an Aloha-goodbye from Erlinda.
February 26, 2024, the church enjoyed a Big Lake weekend together, worshiping God and playing in the snow together.
On March 10, 2024 Calvin Taylor for our church service played the piano, talked, and read scripture. He titled it "Holy Scriptures....Alive With The Sound Of Music".
July 13, 2024 the Albany church joined by the Lebanon and Sweet Home Adventist churches join together in worship in the backyard of the Averys to enjoy a nice time worshiping in nature. The guest speaker was Rick Rowes from International Children's Care and told stories of the children they have been able to help.
January 1, 2025 Andre Scalfani started working as pastor of the Albany and Sweet Home churches. He was previously working as Associate Director of the Oregon Conference Planned Giving and Trust Services Department. He was born in 1976. He is joined by his wife Irma and two sons Pascal and Martin.